Speed Indicator Device – Alton Community Speed Watch
Alton Community Speed Watch (ACSW) approached Mallatite to seek advice about appropriate equipment to help them with mitigating a problem with speeding motorists in their town. The Speed Watch group is very active in the community and with the support of Hampshire Police, help promote safer roads in the community.
To provide Alton Speed Watch Group with an appropriate unit, reliable, simple to operate and rugged enough for roadside operation, colleagues from the Mallatite engineering and technical team visited Alton to meet ACSW co-ordinator, Tony Souter.
Tony, says: “The equipment we use needs to be approved by our local community police co-ordinators. We were already aware of the quality and reliability of Viasis equipment so it was just a matter of sourcing a friendly stockist and choosing a unit that was of a size and sophistication that suited our particular circumstances. Mallatite helped with that process and we have been happy to recommend them to other Community Speed Watch groups in Hampshire.”
After carefully understanding ACSW’s specific requirements and an assessment of the urban location, the unit recommended was a Viasis Mini. The unit offers the flexibility of recording data with the display switched off and then offering a comparison when it is active whilst offering different feedback such as Slow Down, Smiley Face or other pre-set information. This perfectly demonstrates the effectiveness of the units and their deployment reduces speeding traffic and saves lives.
All data is stored within the unit and available for download via the free Android Bluetooth App. This is compatible with Microsoft Excel to provide vital information such as speeds, times and number of vehicles travelling in excess of the set speed limit. This data can be used as traffic study calming measures throughout the local authority.
The deployment of the unit was so successful that Tony recommended Mallatite to nearby Bentworth Parish Council, leading to further units being purchased.